Never have I thought so much, existed so much, lived so much, been so much myself,
if I may say so, as in the journeys I have made alone and on foot.
Walking has something that animates and enlivens my ideas.
It clears my soul and gives me a greater courage to think.
My hiking adventures take me all over the world and each time, the same experience is repeated. All day long immersed into nature, I place one foot in front of the other and happily get caught up in the present moment. It makes me extremely alive. Each journey is like a return to the essential, raw and uncluttered, which brings me peace and clarity.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Yoga and Hiking adventures
Join us to observe together the beauty of the present moment, immersed into nature, and explore the wonders of our inner sceneries. Every day, we combine yogic practices with hiking. Warming up with postures (asanas) and breathwork (pranayama), we also sit and meditate into the wild and wind up the day with restorative stretching and relaxation.
Indicative daily routine:
07.00 Morning yoga practice, warming up
08.15 Breakfast
09.00 Hike with outdoor breathing practice and meditation
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Hike with outdoor breathing practice and meditation
17.00 Free time
18.30 Evening yoga practice: asanas + pranayama
20.00 Evening meal
Note that this routine is indicative and may be subject to changes.
Our Yoga & Hiking adventures in France usually range from 2 to 6 days ; our favorite destinations are in our beloved Alps, Pyrénées and on Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle's pilgrimage. We are happy to tailor expeditions to your wishes anywhere else in Europe, and we also travel to India.
Be ready for a different kind of adventure, those are not 5 star cruises ; your flexibility and active participation will be highly appreciated.
Contact us
to know about our next departures.
Yoga & Hiking adventure at your place
You've got a suitable place and some friends interested to join us ? Let's organize a tailored Yoga & Hiking adventure together !
Based on the same principles that our classic Yoga & Hiking adventure (see above), the difference here is that we design the adventure with you, according to your wishes and to the possibilities offered by your place and its environment.
We may also combine yoga and hiking with massage and storytelling...
Contact us
to create a dream retreat together.